Fatih Mehmet Akıllı and others
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an enveloped, single-stranded, positive polarity RNA virus from the Flaviviridae family. It is part of the Hepacivirus genus, wrapped in a lipid bilayer containing two viral glycoproteins (E1 and E2). HCV infection is a major public health problem that can lead to complications such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. Approximately 85% of people [...] Read More
Kadir Görkem Güçlü and others
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a significant public health issue globally. According to the latest data released by the World Health Organization (WHO) in July 2023, the number of individuals living with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection as of 2019 was reported as 296 million, with 820 million deaths attributed to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma [...] Read More
Okan Derin
Hepatitis B is an important global infectious disease. With its high prevalence and serious complications, such as liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular cancer, and death, controlling and monitoring hepatitis B is of paramount importance. In this context, the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study dataset is an important resource for analyzing the prevalence[...] Read More
Yunus Gürbüz and others
In 75-85% of cases of acute hepatitis C infection, the disease becomes chronic and carries a risk of developing liver failure and hepatocellular cancer. In its global hepatitis report published in 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 71.1 (95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 62.1-79.0 million) million people were chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus [...] Read More
Pınar Korkmaz and Neşe Demirtürk
Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) remains a major threat to global public health, affecting 296 million people worldwide. CHB increases the risk of cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma, causing liver-related morbidity and mortality. All these risks can be prevented with antiviral treatment. Although there is no curative treatment for CHB today the virus can be effectively controlled with existing (...) Read More
Gülşah Tunçer and others
Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection is a global health problem that the World Health Organization (WHO) reported 296 million individuals diagnosed with CHB, and 820,000 died worldwide in 2019. In our country, as per the Türkiye Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Control Program for 2018-2023, there have been 3.3 million patients with CHB infection in Türkiye. Read More
Pınar Korkmaz and others
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is the leading cause of chronic liver disease worldwide. HBV-infected patients are at risk of developing liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) for life. Today, pegylated interferon (Peg-IFN) and nucleos(t)ide analogues (NAs) are used in the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Both treatment options have limitations. Read More
Deniz Gür-Altunay and Pınar Yürük-Atasoy
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is an important public health problem worldwide. It is the most important cause of acute and chronic liver disease and hepatocellular cancer. Hepatitis B infection is diagnosed by the detection of HBsAg in the serum or plasma. Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection is defined as the persistence of (...) Read More
Meyha Şahin and Meltem Yazla
Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a serious public health problem affecting 257 million people worldwide (3.5% of the world population), according to World Health Statistics 2015 by the World Health Organization (WHO). In Turkey, approximately 3.3 million people (4.57% of the population) are considered HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen) positive (...) Read More
Türkkan Öztürk-Kaygusuz and others
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a double-stranded DNA alphaherpesvirus. HSV-1 is a common human pathogen infecting more than 60% of the world’s population, and HSV-2 infects about 11% of the population. HSV rarely causes visceral organ infections. However, some of these disseminated infections are life-threatening. Hepatitis due to HSV is a rare (...) Read More
Gülşen Özkaya Şahin and others
Following the increase in number of pediatric cases with acute severe hepatitis of unknown etiology (ASHep-UE), in collaboration with European Center for Disease Control (ECDC) and the United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA), a special late breaking session “Hepatitis of unknown origin” was (...) Read More
Petek Konya and Neşe Demirtürk
Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is one of the major causes of chronic liver diseases worldwide. Around 296 million people were living with chronic hepatitis B infection in 2019, with 1.5 million new infections each year and more than 820 thousand people losing their life because of hepatitis B virus (HBV) related complications. Chronic HBV (...) Read More
Yeşim Tuyji-Tok and others
Hepatitis C virus (HCV), defined as a non-A non-B hepatitis agent in 1989, is a hepatotropic, noncytopathic, positive-stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus from the family Flaviviridae. HCV infection is an acute or chronic necroinflammatory (...) Read More
Anna Pierro and others
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) represents one of the major cause of acute viral hepatitis worldwide, according to the WHO, one-third of the world population has been exposed to HEV. In Europe, there is extensive evidence indicating that HEV is prevalently transmitted by the ingestion of pork and wild boar raw meat, however, [...] Read More
Bilgehan Aygen and others
About 170-200 million people are known to be infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection carries risks of hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis, portal hypertension, liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (1-4). Chronic HCV infection is an important health problem in Turkey (5-10). In Turkey, among HCV infections, genotype 1b was reported to be the most common one (90%), while [...] Read More